Undergraduate Advising

Advisement is required each fall and spring semester within the School of Engineering.

Academic Advising

Students admitted to Pre-Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering will be required to attend mandatory advising sessions once a semester to address questions or problems that may arise and to ensure that they are on track for graduation. Advisement holds are placed on a student’s record each semester and are not removed until the student has met with their advisor. Students are initially advised by one of the CBE professional academic advisors and are assigned to a faculty advisor once they have been admitted to the department.


The mission of advisement at The University of New Mexico is to provide student-centered support and services that include collaborative strategies that empower students to excel in their academic and professional aspirations as well as provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and training that foster responsibility for their academic success.

Advisor Contact Information

Catherine Young (she, her, hers)
Academic Advisor, Sr.
Office: Farris Engineering Center (bldg. 119) Suite 1200

Schedule virtual or in-person appointments with your advisor through LoboAchieve. Students have 24/7 access to advisor calendars in LoboAchieve. Please download the guide to scheduling an appointment through LoboAchieve!

Schedule an appointment »

Pre-Chemical Engineering Students

Pre-Chemical Engineering students may complete their mandatory advisement with either CBE professional academic advisor. Advisement holds are placed onto students' accounts in early September and in early February. For fall advisement, we encourage students to complete advisement in October or early November. For spring advisement, we encourage students to complete advisement in March or early April. To schedule a virtual or in-person appointment to meet with either Krista or Catherine, please use your LoboAchieve account.

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSCHE) Students

Upon admission to the BSCHE Program, students are required to attend a BSCHE Program Orientation with Krista Navarrette where the process for faculty advisement is explained, a faculty advisor is assigned based on concentration, and different opportunities and programs are shared.

Each fall and spring semester, students make an appointment to meet with their assigned faculty advisor to discuss the previous semester, current semester, to select courses for the upcoming semester, discuss short/long term goals as related to research/career/graduate school, and discuss any other questions or concerns.  Each fall and spring semester, Krista will email students with specific instructions on how to make an appointment with their individual faculty advisors.  Advisement holds are placed onto students' accounts in early September and in early February.  For fall advisement, we encourage students to complete advisement in October or early November.  For spring advisement, we encourage students to complete advisement in March or early April.

Students should take an Undergraduate Advisement Form and a copy of their LoboTrax Degree Audit to their faculty advising appointment. During the appointment, the student and Faculty Advisor will both sign the form outlining the plan for the following semester.

Following the appointment, students should email their signed Undergraduate (UG) Advisement Form to Catherine, who will review any outstanding issues or questions and release the advising hold. Students will then be free to register for classes when registration opens.

Specific instructions on how each faculty advisor would like to complete their faculty advisement with their students will be emailed to their advisees in October.

Prospective Students

Students not currently affiliated with UNM or current UNM students that are considering changing their major to Pre-Chemical Engineering can schedule an appointment using LoboAchieve to meet with either Krista Navarrette or Catherine Young. Students outside of UNM will first need to make a LoboAchieve account specifically for prospective students.

To schedule this appointment in LoboAchieve, students will need to click on "ADVISING OFFICES" at the top of their LoboAchieve account and then search for the CBE advisors by name.  Click on "SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT" in the School of Engineering Academic Advisement (SOE) box.  Unselect all the names of the available advisors and then click on the boxes next to Krista or Catherine’s names to view available appointment times for them..

SoE Holds/Academic Review

School of Engineering holds are related to Academic Standing. View SOE academic standing information

Probation occurs when the student's cumulative GPA fell below the required standard. MUST meet with an academic advisor for the major.

Suspension occurs when the student's cumulative GPA remained below standard. Must select a new major upon return.

Dismissal occurs when the student is not meeting academic requirements for SOE must select a new major.

Campus-wide holds

  • Bursars holds indicate financial obligation contact http://bursar.unm.edu/ or 505-277-5363
  • Admissions holds indicate the student is missing official records or otherwise has an incomplete admission contact http://admissions.unm.edu/ or 505-277-8900
  • Dean of Students holds most likely indicate university orientation https://nso.unm.edu/ or 505-277-3361
  • Global Education Office holds are in regard to your international status http://geo.unm.edu/ or 505-277-4032
  • Athletics holds indicate that you are a student-athlete who must meet with your athletics advisor 

Holds are placed on student accounts to prevent registration and access to transcripts until a required action is complete. You can view your holds in LoboWeb by selecting “check my registration status.”

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for reading email

Students are expected to read and respond to UNM, SOE, and CBE related email and will be fully responsible if these messages are neglected and important notices and deadlines contained in these messages are missed (including messages related to applications, scholarships, internships, tuition payments, and registration).

In order to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), students must correspond with their advisor from their UNM email account, including full name and ID number. By law, no information contained in educational records can be communicated via non-UNM accounts. 

Student are responsible for utilizing appropriate resources

UNM Course Catalog

Comprehensive list of university programs, requirements, policies course descriptions, and prerequisites. For more information: catalog.unm.edu

Lobo Trax Degree Audit

LoboTrax report is an interactive course-planning tool. The report will tell you what you have already completed, what you have left to do to complete your degree, and any transfer credit that has been applied toward your degree. This is the tool that advisors use every day and what we use to graduate you. https://registrar.unm.edu/Registration/lobo-trax-degree-audit.html

UNM General Education

Complementing the major, Gen Ed courses provide a set of strategies: communication, critical thinking, information analysis, quantitative skills, and responsibility towards local and global communities. Students develop these strategies from different angles by taking one or more courses (usually numbered at the 1000- and 2000-levels) in each of the areas of study of the General Education curriculum. Always ask an advisor if you are not sure. https://gened.unm.edu/

Global Diversity & Inclusion Undergraduate Requirement

The Division for Equity and Inclusion posits that inclusive excellence requires a healthy and inclusive campus climate and refers to the processes by which the university leverages diversity as its’ strength to enhance an understanding and connection with diverse communities, ensure the success of all UNM students, and advance the academic enterprise.