Research Centers

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is privileged to be associated with the following world class research centers.

The Advanced Materials Laboratory

1001 University Blvd., SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
Phone: 505 272.7600
FAX: 505 272.7304

The AML houses staff from the university, Sandia and private companies in a single, integrated research laboratory in the UNM Science and Technology Park. The 45,000-square-foot facility fosters collaboration among Sandia, UNM and other companies in materials research, development and application, and provides a conduit for tech-transfer from the labs and university to private companies for commercialization.

Center for High Technology Materials

Center for High Technology Materials

1313 Goddard SE
Albuquerque NM 87106, USA
Phone: 505 272.7800
Fax: 505 272.7801

The objectives of UNM's Center for High Technology Materials are:

  • to foster research and education in the fields of optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnology
  • to enhance collaborations between UNM, federal laboratories and industry
  • to promote economic development in the State of New Mexico

Center for Micro-Engineered Materials

Center for Micro-Engineered Materials

University of New Mexico
Advanced Materials Labrotory (AML)
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1392
Phone: 505 277.2833
FAX: 505 277.1024

The UNM Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (UNM CMEM) serves as a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM. The research performed by the UNM CMEM faculty is highly leveraged because of close collaboration with research scientists from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the Sandia Center for Integrated Nanotechnology (CINT). The mission of UNM CMEM is to provide a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM. We work to develop new interdisciplinary technologies that make the United States more competitive in ceramic science and engineering nanoscience. Our goal is to transfer these technologies to industry in order to foster the development of competitive reproducible ceramic, polymer/ceramic composite and nano materials for advanced high performance systems.