Hongyou Fan

National Laboratory Professor
Research Group Website
Curriculum Vitae
Ph. D. University of New Mexico, Chemical Engineering, 2000
M.S. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Polymer Science, 1995
B. S. Jilin University, China, Chemistry, 1990
Professional Experiences:
- 2015 – present Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2007 – 2014 Principal Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2002 – 2006 Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2004 – present Research Professor, Center for Micro-Engineered Materials, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UNM
- 2000 – 2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Honors and Awards:
- 2015 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship Award in Nanoscience
- 2015 2015 MRS Spring Meeting Chair
- 2013 Sandia National Lab Outstanding Wise Leadership (OWL) Award
- 2013 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) - Outstanding Technology Development Award
- 2013 The MRS Meeting Best Poster Award
- 2012 Asian American Engineer of the Year Award
- 2012 The MRS Meeting Best Poster Award
- 2010 R&D 100 Award: Multifunctional Optical Coatings by Rapid Self-Assembly
- 2010 Sandia National Laboratories, “Employee Recognition Team Award,”
- 2008 FLC - Outstanding Technology Development Award
- 2007 R&D 100 Award: Self-Assembling Process for Fabrication of Tailored Thin Films
- 2007 DOE Sandia National Laboratories, “Laboratory Directed Research and Development Award for Excellence”
- 2005 The University of New Mexico, “Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award”
- 2000 The MRS Outstanding Graduate Student Award
- 2000 The University of New Mexico Outstanding Graduate Student Award
- 2000 UNM/NSF Center for Micro-Engineered Material, Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, poster presentation 1st Prize
Lead Technical Service and Society Committee:
- Served as the 2015 MRS Spring Meeting Co-Chair.
- Served as the MRS Program Development Subcommittee
- 2011-2015 MRS Meeting Symposium Lead Organizers
- Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) User Executive Committee
- Director of the Sandia National Laboratories – Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science (AIMS) High School Student Program (2009-2011)
- 2008 IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology Technical Committee
- 2008 AAAS “SWARM” Regional Conference Technical Committee
- Committee Member and contributor for the Implementation Plan for Chemical Industry R&D Roadmap for Nanomaterials by Design, 2005
- Editorial board member for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, The Open Physical Chemistry Journal, and The Open Materials Science Journal
Selected Publications: (from ~100 publications)
- X.W. Zhou, M.E. Foster, R. Jones, P. Yang, H. Fan, F.P. Doty, “A modified stillinger-weber potential for TlBr, and its polymorphic extension,” Journal of Materials Science Research, 4 (3), 15-32, 2015.
- B. Li, X. Wen, R. Li, Z. Wang, P. G. Clem, and H. Fan, “Stress-induced phase transformation and optical coupling of silver nanoparticle superlattices into mechanically stable nanowires,” Nature Communications, 5, 4179, 10.1038/ncomms5179, 2014.
- Y. Zhong, J.F. Wang, R.F. Zhang, W.B. Wei, H.M. Wang, X.P. Lu, F. Bai, H.M. Wu, R. Haddad, and H. Fan, “Morphology-controlled self-assembly and synthesis of photocatalytic nanocrystals,” Nano Letters, 14 (12), 7175-7179, 2014.
- H.Q. Tan, Z. Zhao, W.B. Zhu, E.N. Coker, B.S. Li, M. Zheng, W.X. Yu, H. Fan, Z.C. Sun, “Oxygen vacancy enhanced photocatalytic activity of pervoskite SrTiO3,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6 (21) 19184-19190, 2014.
- H. Wu, Z. Wang, and H. Fan, “Stress-induced nanoparticle crystallization,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (21), 7634–7636, 2014.