Shuya Wei
Phone: (505) 277-1622
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center
Mailing Address
01 1120
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ph.D. Cornell University, Chemical Engineering, 2017
B.Eng. Nanyang Technological University, Bioengineering, 2013
Dr. Shuya Wei is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at UNM. She received her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University and B. Eng in Bioengineering from Nanyang Technological University. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. Her research interests are understanding the fundamentals of electrochemical processes in electrodes and at electrode/electrolyte interfaces, and on that basis developing next generation high-energy batteries for energy and environmental applications. She also focuses on nanocomposites and biomaterials design and their applications in electrochemical energy storage. Current research projects include developing cheap chemical waste batteries by using earth abundant materials that can capture/convert greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and at the same time generate/store electricity.
Professional Experience
2019: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
2017-2019: Postdoctoral Fellow, The Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Silver Award, 2017
Dean’s List: 2010-2012
Selected Publications
Geran Zhang†, Shuya Wei† and Angela M. Belcher, ‘Biotemplated zinc sulfide nanofibers as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries’, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1 (10), 5631(†: equal contribution)
Shuya Wei, Zhu Cheng, Pooja Nath, Mukul D. Tikekar, Gaojin Li and Lynden A. Archer*, ‘Stabilizing Electrochemical Interfaces in Viscoelastic Liquid Electrolytes’, Science Advances, 2018, 4 (3), eaao6243
Lei Fan†, Shuya Wei†*, Qi Li, Yingying Lu*, ‘Recent Progress of the Solid-state Electrolytes for High Energy Metal-based Batteries’, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8 (11), 1702657 (†: equal contribution, *: corresponding author)
Shuya Wei, Snehashis Choudhury, Zhengyuan Tu, Kaihang Zhang and Lynden A. Archer*, ‘Electrochemical Interphases for High-Energy Storage Using Reactive Metals Anodes’, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 51 (1), 80-88
Shuya Wei, Shaomao Xu, Akanksha Agrawal, Snehashis Choudhury, Yingying Lu, Zhengyuan Tu, Li Ma Lynden A. Archer*, ‘A Stable Room Temperature Sodium-sulfur Battery’, Nature Communication, 2016, 7, 11722
Shuya Wei, Lin Ma, Kenville E. Hendrickson, Zhengyuan Tu and Lynden A. Archer*, 'Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathodes based on PAN-Sulfur Composites', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137 (37), 12143-12152
Hao Bin Wu, Shuya Wei, Lei Zhang, Rong Xu, Huey Hoon Hng, and Xiong Wen Lou*, 'Embedding Sulfur in MOF-Derived Microporous Carbon Polyhedrons for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries', Chemistry – A European Journal, 2013, 19 (33), 10804-10808
Teaching Interests
- Transport
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
Research Interests
- Energy storage
- Electrochemical Fundamentals
- Carbon Capture
- Nanomaterials