Dimiter N.Petsev
Phone: (505)-277-3221
Fax: (505) 277-5433
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
CBE Graduate Advisor
Research Group Website
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. University of Sofia Chemical Physics and Engineering, 1996
M.S. University of Sofia Chemical Physics, 1987
Dimiter N. Petsev graduated from University of Sofia in Bulgaria in 1996. Then took a postdoctoral research position in the Chemistry Department at Purdue University, and research positions at University of Alabam in Huntsville, University fo Houston and University of New Mexico. Dr. Petsev has joined the faculty at the University of New Mexico in 2005. The research interests of Dr Petsev are in the area of electrokinetic phenomena, surface and colloid science, statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics of complex fluids and dispersions. More specifically he is interested in Interactions and stability of nanometer-sized particles, structures of complex fluids, stability of emulsions and microemulsions, liquid-liquid and liquid-solid phase transitions in protein solutions, protein separations, molecular and Brownian dynamics of elastic and inelastic particles and particles with internal degrees of freedom, guided self-assembly of nano-structures and materials thermodynamics and self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules, colloid and biomolecular crystallization, application of colloid and protein structures as templates for material synthesis
Professional Experience
- 2016: Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering• University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2011 - 2016: Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering• University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2005 - Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering• University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2003 - 2005: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering and Department of Chemistry • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1999- 2003: Senior Research Associate, Center for Materials Research • University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL.
- 1998- 1999: Research Associate, Center for Materials Research • University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL.
- 1996- 1998: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Chemistry Department • Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- 1987- 1996: Research Assistant, Laboratory of Chemical Physics and Engineering, Department of Chemistry, University of Sofia.
Course Notes:
- CBE 525 Methods of Analysis in Chemical and Biological Engineering • Lecture Notes
Selected Publications:
Classical density functional analysis of the ionic size effects on the properties of charge regulating electric double layers, DJ Prakash, L Denoyer, R Vangara, JM Baca, F van Swol, DN Petsev, Molecular Physics 119 (19-20), e1937737, 2021.
Molecular Theory of Electric Double Layers, DN Petsev, F van Swol, LJD Frink, IOP Publishing, 2021.
Identification of anomalous diffusion sources by unsupervised learning, R Vangara, KØ Rasmussen, DN Petsev, G Bel, BS Alexandrov, Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023248, 2020.
Electric double layers with surface charge regulation using density functional theory, D Gillespie, DN Petsev, F van Swol, Entropy 22 (2), 132, 2020
Reframing droplet coalescence: Identifying the distinctive dynamics of nanofilm evolution, J Toro-Mendoza, O Paredes-Altuve, MA Velasquez, DN Petsev, Physical Review Fluids 4 (9), 093604, 2019.
Teaching Interests
- CBE 311 Introduction to Transport Phenomena
- CBE 521 Advanced Transport Phenomena
- CBE/NSMS 522L Fundamentals of Nanofluidics
Research Interests
- Complex Fluids and Dispersions
- Electrokinetic Phenomena, Micro and Nanofluidics
- Nanomaterials