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Rick West Digital Badging Workshop
December 7, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mechanical Engineering Building
Room 427
Part 1: Presentation: The Potential of Open Badges and Microcredentials to Improve Learning and Engagement
Part 2: Workshop: Badge-a-thon: Creating Your Microcredentials
Open badges are a form of micro credential that can enable acknowledgment of learners’ skills, knowledge, and abilities outside of traditional credentials such as degrees and diplomas. In this presentation, I will first define and explain open badges as a potentially disruptive concept for education, and discuss the potential for micro credentials to improve student learning and engagement. Then we will engage in a hands-on experience designing and conceptualizing badges for the instructional environments of the participants. If possible, come prepared for this workshop by considering what skills/competencies you believe students should have that would be meaningful in your area, and what criteria might provide evidence for these competencies. We will discuss these together.
Dr. Richard West is an associate professor of instructional psychology and technology at Brigham Young University. He researches the social aspects of online learning and creative environments, in addition to his scholarship in open badges and microcredentials. He is the co-developer of the IPT Ed Tec Badges, and the platform.